The Holy Roman Empire Association - 1963-2025

Associazioni dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero

Welcome to the Official Website of the Holy Roman Empire Association - Associazioni dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero - HREA, Founded on Christmas Day In Rome in 1963, the HREA seeks to connect living descendants of the Noble families of the Holy Roman Empire. The HREA was initiated by Prince Giovanni Alliata di Montereale and Count Giancarlo Bonifazi di Statte, to unite all living descendants in the Male and Female line of individuals invested with Imperial Titles of Nobility of the Holy Roman Empire by Imperial Letters Patent. The HREA is the Supreme Governing Authority over all the Imperial Titles of Nobility of the Holy Roman Empire and all the Lands and Territories pertained to the HRE. The HREA formally compiles the Official listing of those individuals who hold the right to bear, hold and enjoy the Titles and Armorial Bearings as members of the Imperial Nobility of the Holy Roman Empire.

Official Banner of the Holy Roman Empire Association

Governing Council of the HREA

The Chancellor (in succession to Prince Alliata) is Prince Mario Pignatelli Aragona Cortes; the President of the Court of Honor is Count Giancarlo Bonifazi di Statte; the Co-ordinators of the Council are Prince Domenico Napoleone Orsini and don Carlo dei Principi Giovanelli; the members of the Historical Council are: Marchese Henri de Thoran, Marchese Cosimo Dragonetti di Torres, Prof Riccardo Capasso, Monsingor Antonio Bittarelli, Monsignor Sandro Corradini; Avv. Giuseppe de Rosa. Members (titles not in parentheses are the Holy Roman Empire titles of the Family): Count Clemente Alberti di Poja, Marquess (Prince) don Camillo Aldobrandini; Princes don Francesco and don Gabriele Alliata di Villafranca; Prince don Giovanni Francesco and Fabrizio Alliata di Montereale; Nobile (Count) Carlo Antonielli; Prince don Alessandro d'Aquino; Count Federico Attems; Prince don Francesco Avalos; Nobile Luciano Aventi; Nobile Giangiorgio Barbasetti; Count Guido Barbiano di Belgioioso; Count Ferrante Benvenuti; Nobile Luigi Bertolini; Nobile Lanfranco Blanchetti Revelli; Dama Bona (Marchesa) Bonacossi; Prince don Gregorio Boncompagni-Ludovisi; Count Giancarlo Bonifazi di Statte; Conte Federico Bossi Fedrigotti; Nobile Marc'Antonio Bragadin; Barone Guido Buffa; Count Neri Capponi; Prince Marcello Caracciolo.

Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation

HREA - Purpose and Activities

The Holy Roman Empire Association serves as the Supreme Governing Authority over the Imperial Titles of Nobility of the Holy Roman Empire, the HREA managers the Official List of those individuals who have the right to bear, hold and enjoy these Imperial Titles and Armorial Bearings of the HRE. It also engages in cultural and historical preservation activities, including organizing events related to art and history. The Holy Roman Empire Association has reinstated certain historical institutions like the Aulic Council (Consilium Aulicum - Reichshofrat) and the Imperial Chamber Court (Reichskammergericht - Iudicium imperii) to maintain the Tradition and Legal aspects of the Holy Roman Empire, the Chancellor of the HREA additionally holds, bears and enjoys many Imperial Governing Titles, Offices and Ranks of the Holy Roman Empire in order to control the Governance of the Empire and all legal aspects contained therein.

Neck Cross and Breast Star of the HREA

HREA - Membership and Recognition

The Membership of the Holy Roman Empire Association is typically for those with a direct lineage to the Imperial Titles of Nobility of the Holy Roman Empire, although Honorary Members of the HREA also exist. The Association is recognized for its role in preserving the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire and its Nobility, with members including all the Princes, Dukes, Marquises, Counts, Barons, Nobles and Knights of the Holy Roman Empire from different Nobles Families across Europe and beyond.

The Eternal City of Rome - HREA Founded 1963

HREA - Geographical Presence

 While the HREA has a strong presence in Italy due to its founding in Rome in 1963, the Headquarters of the Holy Roman Empire Association - Associazioni dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero is in London in the UK with additional Offices in Italy and Monaco with many new representative Offices planned.

Gold Medallion of the Imperial Order of Charlemagne

HREA - Cultural Impact

The Holy Roman Empire Association contributes to cultural history by maintaining records, hosting events, and actively participating in discussions about the Holy Roman Empire's legacy, where it shares historical artifacts and regalia connected to the Empire. The HREA, therefore, plays a crucial role in the preservation of the historical, cultural, and legal aspects of the nobility associated with the Holy Roman Empire, connecting past traditions with contemporary society.

Official Publication of the Imperial Nobility of the HRE

Noble Families of the Holy Roman Empire

Deutsch: Die Adelsgeschlechter des Heiligen Romischen Reiches. English: The noble families of the Holy Roman Empire. Espanol: Las familias nobles del Sacro Imperio Romano Germanico. Francais: Les familles nobles du Saint-Empire romain germanique. Hrvatski: Plemicke obitelji Svetog Rimskog Carstva. Italiano: Le famiglie nobili del Sacro Romano Impero. Latina: Familiae nobiles Imperii Romani Sacri. Magyar: A Nemet-romai Birodalom nemesi csaladokNederlands: De adellijke geslachten van het Heilige Roomse Rijk. Polski: Rody szlacheckie Swietego Cesarstwa Rzymskiego. Portugues: As familias nobres do Sacro Imperio Romano-Germanico. Slovencina: Slachticke rody rimsko-nemeckej rise.
