Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - HRE

The Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of the Holy Roman Empire - Italian: Sovrano Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme del Sacri Romano Impero - Latin: Supremus Ordo Sancti Ioannis Hierosolymitani Sacri Romani Imperii - commonly known as the Order of Saint John or Knights of Saint John, is a Catholic Order, traditionally of a military, chivalric, and noble nature.

Historical background of the Order

The Order claims continuity with the Knights Hospitaller, a chivalric order that was founded about 1099 by the Blessed Gerard in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The order is led by an elected Prince and Grand Master. Its motto is Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum (defence of the faith and assistance to the poor). The Order venerates the Virgin Mary as its patroness, under the title of Our Lady of Philermos.

Rank and Membership of the Order

Membership of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of the Holy Roman Empire is divided into three classes each of which is subdivided into several categories:

First Class:
Knights of Justice or Professed Knights
Professed Conventual Chaplains

Second Class:
Knights and Dames of Honour and Devotion in Obedience
Knights and Dames of Grace and Devotion in Obedience
Knights and Dames of Magistral Grace in Obedience

Third Class:
Knights and Dames of Honour and Devotion
Conventual Chaplains ad honorem
Knights and Dames of Grace and Devotion
Magistral Chaplains
Knights and Dames of Magistral Grace
Donats (male and female) of Devotion

Within each class and category of knights there are ranks of Knight, Knight Grand Cross, and Bailiff Knight Grand Cross.

Motto of the Order

Motto: Tuitio fidei et obsequium pauperum (Latin)
"Defence of the faith and assistance to the poor"

Present day status of the Order

The present status of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of the Holy Roman Empire, is that of a Holy Chivalric Order of the Holy Roman Empire, as such all Rights, Patrimony and Property (including the usage of all Armorial Bearings, Signs and Symbols), of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of the Holy Roman Empire, come under the exclusive ownership and protection of the Holy Roman Empire Association - ASSOCIAZIONI dei NOBILI del SACRO ROMANO IMPERO. The Present Nominal Prince Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of the Holy Roman Empire is the Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire Association. Copyright (C) 1099-2023 - The Holy Roman Empire Association, hold full International Copyright to the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of the Holy Roman Empire.